Pet Society World

Adventures in Pet Society

Potential Fishing and Cooking Problems due to the Pet Society Food Shop Sale July 3, 2010

There are a number of potential problems with the Pet Society food shop clearance sale pointed out by Tyson and Passerby.  We will no longer be able to catch certain fish, since we’ll be missing the appropriate bait. Additionally, we may not be able to cook certain foods, since the ingredients will be gone from the food shop.  I guess Playfish didn’t think about these problems when cleaning out the store. 😦

Cooking the festive pudding requires the white ribbon cupcake, which will soon be removed.

Cooking the orange cupcake requires the yellow ribbon cupcake, which will soon be removed.

I’m not at a very high level in cooking, so there may be additional problems in obtaining ingredients to cook other foods too.

The pretzelfish can only be caught with the soft pretzel, which is on clearance.

The breadfish can only be caught with the small loaf of bread, which is also on clearance.

You might want to do some cooking and fishing this week.  It seems that Playfish and the Pet Society developers didn’t think the clearance sale through very well.

Update: There’s an official update on the status of foods used in recipes.  Please see this post for the details.


Pet Society Food Shop Sale July 2, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Pet Society Girl @ 3:47 pm
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A clearance sale began in the food shop today that will extend to July 11th.   This is the first food shop clearance in Pet Society, and a wide selection of foods are now 50% off.

Momo’s really sad that some of her favorite foods will soon be gone.  She loves eating samosas and scones, and one of her favorite drinks is hot chocolate.

Are you going to stock up on some of your pet’s favorite foods?  Which foods will you miss that are being cleared out of the Pet Society food shop?


Pet Society Free Gifts – July 2nd

Filed under: Uncategorized — Pet Society Girl @ 12:19 pm
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Today, two new items were added for us to send as free gifts to our friends in Pet Society, the Beaver Plushie and the Retro Teapot Telephone.

I guess Pet Society is semi-celebrating Canada Day late by releasing the beaver plushie today.  The retro teapot telephone is strangely charming.

Do you like the new free gifts?


Pet Society Glitches, Problems and Torment June 28, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Pet Society Girl @ 10:25 am
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Pet Society’s been full of glitches all weekend long.  Players have experienced problems loading the game, problems seeing portions of the game screen, issues with the game freezing, and glitches in sending/accepting parts of the hot air balloon.

When trying to send requested pieces of the hot air balloon to her friends, Momo repeatedly got “We are unable to process this request” messages, and after the original request was gone.  ARGH. Also sometimes the “Send Pet Society Request to Friend’s Name” button isn’t even click-able.  I know my friend’s aren’t getting anywhere in building the hot air balloon because Momo and I are stuck too.

I also have problems in loading the full game screen.  The right part of the screen is cut off frequently, and doesn’t appear embedded in the Facebook window.  The save button and right scroll button are totally cut off, making it difficult to play.

In the screencap below, the game wouldn’t load, and in the error message, the right side of the screen is missing:

Playfish posted a message on their forums yesterday that the problems are being worked on.  Hopefully they will be fixed soon!


New Pet Society Items – June 27th June 27, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Pet Society Girl @ 11:33 pm
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The new Pet Society items were added to the stores today. There are a lot of items to celebrate American Independence Day and have a fun summer BBQ.

In the garden shop, the “just arrived” items is a white garden flower pot.

The “one week only” items include pink BBQ tools, a pink mini grill and a purple grill.  The “just arrived” items include black BBQ tools, an orange mini grill, and a black luxury grill.

There’s also a wooden garden swing and wooden garden seats.

In the furniture store, the “one week only” item is a pink luxury fridge and orange mini fridge, and the “just arrived” items are a silver luxury fridge and silver mini fridge.

You can also re-design your kitchen with the minimalist flower decor, minimalist white ceiling lights, minimalist tall chair, minimalist white-over-the-stove cabinet, minimalist white stove set, minimalist white kitchen cabinet, minimalist white kitchen sink, minimalist white table, minimalist white picture set, minimalist white cupboard, and a minimalist white fridge.

The mystery shop has a new “fun park” mystery egg machine.

In the market, one of the “one week only” items is a statue of liberty plushie.

The other “one week only” items are an Independence Day flag, Independence Day bunting, and Independence Day party balloons.

In the food shop, the “one week only” items are BBQ beef and BBQ sausages, and the “just arrived” item are BBQ mushrooms, BBQ corn on the cob, and BBQ chicken.

In the clothing shop girl’s section, the “one week only” items are a blue cheerleader outfit and shoes, blue cheerleader pom pom and a pink colonial dress and shoes.  The “just arrived” items are a blue colonial dress and shoes.

In the boys’ section, “just arrived” items are a blue baseball t-shirt and pants, and a blue colonial shirt, pants and shoes.

In the DIY store, the “just arrived” item is a city skyline window.

I’m disappointed that Pet Society isn’t celebrating Canada Day this year.  My favorite item is the new window.

Do you like this week’s items? Which ones are your favorites? Least favorites?


Pet Society Clothing Sale June 26, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Pet Society Girl @ 1:45 pm
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A huge selection of items is on sale in the Pet Society clothing store this week.  Check out all the discounted items in the girls, boys, and accessories sections.


Pet Society Mystery Items – June 25th June 25, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Pet Society Girl @ 3:27 pm
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Four new new mystery items were added to the Pet Society mystery boxes this week. In the gold mystery boxes, there’s a Pink Mini Fridge and Pink Party Balloons. In the purple mystery boxes, there’s a Independence Day Party Hat (a “This Week’s Special” item, according to Playfish). In the red boxes, there’s BBQ Hot Sauce.

Momo found three of the items so far. They are really fun.  The balloons are animated and sway up and down.

If you click the mini fridge, it opens!  It’s a great animation. Momo tried putting some food in the fridge, but it fell to the floor.

Have you found any of the new items? What do you think?


Pet Society Treasure Hunting Update – June 25th

Filed under: Uncategorized — Pet Society Girl @ 2:56 pm
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The treasure hunting feature was updated today. There’s a new location on the map.

The new location is called the “Enchanted Forest.”

To reach the enchanted forest, our pets must build a hot air balloon.  You have to send your friends requests for fabric, rope and framing. The requests are not facebook wall requests.  Instead, the requests to build the balloon show up in the same section as the free gifts and stickers.

It’ll probably be a while before Momo can reach the Enchanted Forest to check it out! It’s too bad we can’t just go their right away…seems like a lot of effort to get there.

The treasure hunting feature was also updated with a single new “weekly” item in the “Town Forest” digging site.  The new item is a Popcorn Machine.  Here’s a picture of it:

There sure are some funny treasures buried in Pet Society!


Pet Society Free Gifts – June 25th

Filed under: Uncategorized — Pet Society Girl @ 12:48 pm
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Today, two new items were added for us to send as free gifts to our friends in Pet Society, the Eagle Plushie and the Romantic Pink Ribbon.

Do you like the new free gifts?


Pet Society Magic Sand and Mystery Castles June 23, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Pet Society Girl @ 6:55 pm
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There’s magic sand on sale in the garden shop.  Momo was curious about what the castles looked like, so she bought some.

First she bought two piles of magic sand, but then she bought a third pile to try her luck at getting all three mystery castles.

After one day, the pile of sand turned into a sand castle. Momo was really lucky this time and got all three!  Here’s Momo getting some sun on the beach and posing with the three mystery sand castles. From left to right the castles are named the Enchanted Sand Castle, the Royal Sand Castle, and the Magnificent Sand Castle.

Which one is your favorite?

Have you bought any mystery sand?