Pet Society World

Adventures in Pet Society

Pet Society Blinging Gold Watch and Wimbledon Set June 22, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Pet Society Girl @ 10:15 am
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If you’re shopping in the accessories section of the clothing shop, you might have noticed the blinging gold watch, which appears to be part of the Wimbledon set.  For clarification, the gold blinging watch is not included in the Wimbledon set. It’s another Pet Society glitch that the watch is placed in the Wimbledon display.


New Pet Society Items – June 20th June 20, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Pet Society Girl @ 8:58 pm
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The new Pet Society items were added to the stores today. Does your pet love the beach?

In the garden shop, there’s a notice on the wall that the cars have moved to the “cool stuff” section of the market.  I think that makes more sense than the garden shop! “This week’s special” is magical sand that will turn into a magical sand castle.  There’s also a pet tiki statue that dances.  Very cute!

“This week’s specials” also include a pink striped beach umbrella, green striped beach towel, and pink striped beach towel.

The other “just arrived” items are a tiki patio, green striped beach umbrella, orange striped beach umbrella, and an orange striped beach towel.

In the furniture store, “this week’s specials” are a pink bucket, suntan oil, and beach bag, and the “just arrived” items are suntan cream and a blue bucket.

The “just arrived” items also include a tropical tiki bar, with a matching chair and stool.

In the market, “this week’s specials” include a purple surfboard and orange kite.

The “just arrived items include a tennis bundle, which offers your pet a chance to get all of the Wimbledon items for 40% off. You can also buy these items separately (shown in the next two pictures): blue, pink and orange tennis rackets, blue and pink tennis bags, purple, blue and pink sport shades, purple and white tennis visors, grey and pink tennis headbands, purple and pink tennis outfits, purple, black, white, and pink tennis sneakers, purple, white, blue, and pink tennis arm bands, black and white tennis tops, and black and white tennis shorts,

In the food shop, “this week’s special” is the pink heart ice lolly, and the “just arrived” item are the orange passion cocktail and tropical strawberry cocktail.

In the clothing shop girl’s section, “this week’s specials” are a tiki dancer flower outfit and a tropical flower crown, bracelet and anklet. There’s also a hibiscus hairclip, white swimming suit, and white flip flops. The “just arrived” items are a tropical flower necklace, orange lily hairclip, orange swimming suit, and orange summer shoes.

In the boys’ section, “this week’s special” is the white flip flops, and the  “just arrived” items are tropical flower shorts and orange summer shoes.

In the Accessories section past the cash items and repeated Wimbledon set, there are pink and yellow rubber rings for sale.

In the DIY store, “this week’s special” is the tiki hut wallpaper and floor for sale. The “just arrived” items are a tropical beach wallpaper and floor, and a tropical sunset wallpaper and floor.

There’s also a tiki wall torch.

I love the pet tiki statue.  It’s so cute looking!  I also like that there are a lots of new orange items.  They’re fun and bright. 🙂

Do you like this week’s items? Which ones are your favorites? Least favorites?


Pet Society Mystery Items – June 17th June 17, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Pet Society Girl @ 10:51 pm
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Three new new mystery items were added to the Pet Society mystery boxes this week. In the gold mystery boxes, there’s a Swan Rubber Ring and a Hula Dancer Plushie. In the purple mystery boxes, there’s a Pink Kite.

Momo found the the swan rubber ring and the hula dancer plushie so far.  Don’t the bear prince plushie and hula dancer plushie have the same face?  haha

Have you found any of the new items?


Pet Society Fish (Release 41): Pink Neon Tetra, Orange Coral, and Blue Anemone

Three new items were added to the Pet Society pond day. The new fish is a pink neon tetra. It’s a regular fish that can be caught with any type of bait. There’s also a new orange coral and a blue anemone.  Both of these decorative items can be caught with any type of bait.

Momo caught the pink neon tetra with a lemon.

She caught the orange coral with a lemon too.

She caught the blue anemone with a carrot.

I’m guessing that Playfish messed up the “blue anemone,” since it looks exactly the same as the previously released white anemone. Here’s a picture of the anemones in Momo’s inventory. The blue anemone is on the left and the white anemone is in the center.  Hopefully, this latest Playfish glitch will be corrected.

The picture in the official PS blog looks slightly different than the “blue anemone” Momo caught, but the blue anemone in the official blog is still just a white anemone with a blue tinge.  Not very creative, since there’s nothing different at all about the drawing.

The new pink neon tetra (middle in the pic below) is just a color variant that otherwise is identical to the green neon tetra (left below). This new fish isn’t very creative either.

What do you think of the latest fishing items?

For more info on the fish and other items in the pet society fish pond, please visit Pet Society World’s Fish List!


Pet Society Arabian Tent Update

Filed under: Uncategorized — Pet Society Girl @ 1:14 pm
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As an update to the Arabian Tent glitch issue, Playfish announced that everyone who didn’t receive an Arabian Tent with the Arabian Nights Vacation Package should have received the tent with today’s update.

Momo still doesn’t have her tent in her inventory.  😦 Did anyone who was missing the tent receive it today?

Updated to add: Momo got her Arabian tent from the Mayor this evening.

Yay!  I hope everyone who’s missing their tent gets one. 😀


Pet Society Treasure Hunting Update – June 17th

Filed under: Uncategorized — Pet Society Girl @ 12:54 pm
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The treasure hunting feature was updated with a single new “weekly” item.  The new item is a happy kitty plushie.  Here’s a picture of it. I wish more items were added because everything else is the same as last week!

Momo hasn’t found one yet.  I’m just going to use the five free shovels a day because I’m not interested in getting more duplicate treasures.

Updated to add: the divine tiara was last week’s “weekly treasure,” and it was removed when the happy kitty plushie was added as this week’s “weekly treasure.”


Pet Society Free Gifts – June 17th

Filed under: Uncategorized — Pet Society Girl @ 11:30 am
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Today, two new items were added for us to send as free gifts to our friends in Pet Society, the Tropical Flamingo Cocktail and the Holiday Bear Plushie.

You might also notice that the mouse plushie, which was introduced last week has officially switched from being blue to being grey.  Many players reported having grey mice last week, or mice that were switching colors.  Momo’s was blue, but it’s now grey.

Which mouse did you like better?


Pet Society Enchanted Cherry and Papaya Trees June 14, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Pet Society Girl @ 2:08 pm
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Momo decided to uproot one of her old trees to grow an enchanted cherry tree from the 600-coin enchanted cherry tree seed in the garden shop.  Her tree grew and fruit on it today!

The homegrown enchanted cherry sells for 85 coins.

Also, here’s a picture of the papaya tree.  The papaya tree can be grown from the 500-coin tree seed in the garden shop (among other trees).

Each homegrown papaya sells for 85 coins.

Did you grow either of these trees?


New Pet Society Items – June 13th June 13, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Pet Society Girl @ 8:51 pm
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The new Pet Society items were added to the stores today. Is your pet ready for the Dragon Boat Festival, or is your pet heading to ancient Greece?

In the garden shop, there’s a white roses flower pot.

The other “just arrived” item is the nymph’s lake.

In the furniture store, there are two new collaborative items that your friends can build for you.

“This week’s specials” are a dark Olympus chair, golden Olympus chair, and dark Olympus table.

The “just arrived” items include a white Olympus chair and a white Olympus table

“This week’s specials” also include a dark Olympus bed, golden Olympus bed, dark Olympus dressing table, and golden Olympus dressing table. There’s also a white Olympus dressing table, which is a “just arrived” item.

In the market, “this week’s specials” include a fish lucky charm, green festival flag, and red festive gong.

There’s also a festive dragon decoration, and red dragon bench.

The “just arrived” items are a bright flowery handbag and a red lotus candle.

There’s a white Olympus clock on sale as a “just arrived” item.

In the food shop, the “just arrived” item is a bunch of sticky rice packets.

In the clothing shop girl’s section, “this week’s specials” are a golden Greek goddess dress and a Greek goddess wig. The “just arrived” items are a Greek goddess dress and nymph wig.

In the boys’ section, the “just arrived” items are the Green god tunic and Green god sandals.

In the DIY store, there’s an Arcadia wallpaper and floor for sale.

There’s also an Arcadia window.

I love the nymph’s lake, and I think the new wallpaper and floor look pretty.

Do you like this week’s items? Which ones are your favorites? Least favorites?


Pet Society Mystery Items – June 11th

Filed under: Uncategorized — Pet Society Girl @ 8:25 am
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Four new new mystery items were added to the Pet Society mystery boxes this week. In the gold mystery boxes, there’s a Pink Roses Flower Pot and Pink Lotus Candle. In the purple mystery boxes, there’s a Red Festive Drum which is “this week’s special” (TWS). Lastly, in the red mystery boxes, there’s a Colorful Lucky Charm (also TWS).

Momo found the pink roses flower pot so far.  I’m a bit worried that I won’t have time to find the two TWS items.  I wish we had more time to find those mystery items then just one week!

Happy mystery box hunting!