Pet Society World

Adventures in Pet Society

Pet Society Garden – Cupcake Tree June 14, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — Pet Society Girl @ 6:16 pm
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My first batch of Pet Society trees yielded four types of tree, but I was still hoping for an elusive cupcake tree, so I planted two more seeds and crossed my fingers for some luck.  Just now when I logged in, I found a cupcake tree in my garden!

I also harvested an “average” sized beet.  It looks so big to me that I’m really curious how big a “gigantic” beet is!


In case you’re trying to figure out your chances for growing a certain type of tree, you will have a better idea on the second day after planting the tree seeds. The small, bushy leafy tree sprouts (below on the left) produce orange, apple and cupcake trees . The longer leafy sprouts (below on the right) produce coconut and banana trees.


44 Responses to “Pet Society Garden – Cupcake Tree”

  1. bloom Says:

    How long does it take for a tree to bear fruits?
    Cause I still haven’t got any 😦 And I’m really anxious to see how the cupcakes look! 😦

  2. Pet Society Girl Says:

    Hi Bloom,
    I got my first cupcake today. So far, I just got one cupcake (I think it is the 4th or 5th day after planting the seed). You can see how it looks here:

    I hope you get one soon! I wish the trees gave more fruits and cupcakes.

  3. petname cupcake Says:

    ive have an apple tree and its been planted for a week now and still no fruit

  4. quijo Says:

    i have had my cupcake tree since the gardens were introduced. 2 weeks ago? still nothing. do you know of any tricks that one needs to do?

  5. Pet Society Girl Says:

    Hi quijo! I don’t know any tricks to make the tree produce more cupcakes or fruit. I try to sign in a few times per day to check my trees. Once I left an apple on a tree to see if I could get more than one apple at a time, and the next time I came back the apple was gone. After that I harvest the fruits/cupcakes after I see them. I hope you’ll have a cupcake soon, and if I learn of any tricks or tips, I’ll post about them.

  6. Joyce Says:

    Yeah, me too:( Im having the same problem with quijo over there. My cupcake tree had never bear one

  7. Idyll Says:

    Uhm…How long does the fruit stay on the tree? Does it disappear after a few hours or stays there indefinitely?

  8. Polly Jay Says:

    I have an orange tree and a cupcake tree, I haven’t got any cupcakes yet but I’ve already grown 2 oranges, I think grow every second day

  9. Pet Society Girl Says:

    Idyll, one of my apples disappeared when I left it on the tree, so now I always harvest right away. I like how they look when the fruit and cupcakes are up there though.

    PJ, mine seem to be completely random. I’ve been recording which trees have fruit and cupcakes to see if there’s a pattern, but haven’t found one yet.

  10. Harvester Says:

    Harvest your fruits fast or feed your pet before logging off —- your pet can pick them and it XD

  11. Keri Says:

    I have a very odd looking little tree plant in my garden right now that does not look like either of the above?! Any ideas?!

    • Pet Society Girl Says:

      I’m not sure what your tree is Keri. Did it finish growing? What did it turn out to be?

  12. Gel, The Only Gel Says:

    Wow! Congrats! The first time I planted a tree, it turned out to be a cupcake tree! The first time I saw it made me laugh. 😛

  13. mina Says:

    the first time i plant a tree seed… i removed it not knowing that it will produced a fruit or watever… sayang.. huhuhu

  14. kristen Says:

    i got my first cupcake today too. its nice

  15. Nidhi Says:

    I have heaps of trees. Like 13 trees, and I don’t have a single cupcake tree 😦 I sooo desperately want a cupcake tree 😦 But I always seem to end up with an orange or a banana tree.

    Pictures :

    😦 How do I get a cupcake treeeeee??

  16. Sushi Says:

    i got my cupcake tree as my 2nd one. I was sure lucky! I am crossing my fingers for a cherry tree! hope i would be lucky. 😛

  17. Cupcake girl Says:

    i planted a tree one day, and when i came bak i had a cupcake tree, i was like haha, and i got my sis to come look, she was really jelouus, so were my friends

  18. shav Says:

    i got a seed and it turned into a cupcake tree but i didnt know this at the time so i got another seed and it was also a cupcake tree but i cant see 1 cupcake on it ever

    • Pet Society Girl Says:

      Hi Shav, sometimes the trees take a while before they produce fruits/cupcakes. Then all of a sudden they have cupcakes. I hope you have a harvest soon!

  19. stephen Says:

    i got an bannana treee and 2 cherry trees and after the cherry trees fin growing the gave fruit and then my banna tree gave me 2 bannanas in 1 hit so yea i think trees freuit are random

  20. Beep A Beep Beepz!? Says:

    GOD DAMMIT!?.. I want.. A Fruit?!.. I Planted My tree(s).. Like.. .. 4 Days AGO… no .. Beeping .. (#&(*&$(&$(*&$#(*&)@*)…. Fruitz??! :(.. Guess.. ill just.. have to wait..

  21. aprille Says:

    hi where can i see the garden?

    • Pet Society Girl Says:

      Aprille, there’s a front and back garden on either side of your house. Use the house navigation picture in the top right corner of your game screen when you’re inside to visit all your rooms and the garden(s).

  22. Chocolate Says:

    Does anyone know how long the trees will bear fruit? I mean will they eventually stop bearing and need to be replaced with a new tree seed? Some of my trees haven’t had any fruit in a while… Just curious if they have a life length.

    • Pet Society Girl Says:

      Chocolate, sometimes they are stop producing fruits for a couple weeks and then start again. I don’t think you ever need to replace them though.

  23. Kathee Says:

    Hey! I managed to get some “Homegrown Festive Fruit” from my festive tree, but I don’t know how to send you the image!
    It’s like a silver sparkling orange with that golden bow we see at the tree. It’s worth 85$, I hope you’ll get one soon and post it… Or else tell me how to send the image to you.

  24. christine Says:

    i got the cherry tree! =P but i want da cupcake tree T-T

  25. Floki Says:

    what is that guitar in the 2nd picture????? where did you get it???

  26. Flupps Says:

    Which type of seed do you use to plant a tree? Fruit, Veg or Flower? x

  27. Flupps Says:

    I have lots of trees in a row and I have no idea how to tell if they are fruiting because some are very big and overlap the smaller ones… Is there any way to move a tree?

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