Pet Society World

Adventures in Pet Society

Poll: Do you think the cheap mystery boxes in Pet Society are neglected? December 28, 2009

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As Momo was busy hunting in mystery boxes for new items, I wondered when was the last time Momo bought a cheap (pink/red) mystery box.  I couldn’t quite remember.  A comment from owee mentioned that cheap mystery boxes should have some new items.  I fully agree. Why are the cheap boxes so neglected?  They’re really great when you first start the game because  they are the most affordable way to get a few furnishings and outfits.  Once you’re established in the game though, there’s no point to buying them.  Look at Momo, she’s walking right by them as she browses the purple and gold boxes.

The last new items that were added were the colored balloons months and months ago, two of which were removed without warning last July.  I think the last time I bought a cheap mystery box was to try to find green balloons last summer before their removal was announced.  Lately, Momo and I can’t see any reason to buy them.  There’s nothing new or exciting in them that we haven’t seen before.

What do you think?  Does your pet buy cheap mystery boxes?  Do you think Playfish should add new items to the cheap boxes as they have for the purple and gold mystery boxes?